Davidoff Signature 2000 Cigar
Davidoff Signature 2000 Cigar made in the Dominican Republic a lovely tasting cigar with mild creamy tastes and aromas. The Signature is a timeless Corona Cigar crafted over 35 years ago by Davidoff. This is Davidoff’s best selling cigar worldwide and a personal favourite of James the Owner of Cigar Nights. Tasting notes Hints of Coffee, Wood and lots of cream.
Length 5 1/16 Inch Ring Gauge 43
Strength Light to Medium
Smoke Time 30 -35 mins
Prices are per cigar
In stock
Davidoff Signature 2000 Cigar made in the Dominican Republic a lovely tasting cigar with mild creamy tastes and aromas. The Signature is a timeless Corona Cigar crafted over 35 years ago by Davidoff. This is Davidoff’s best selling cigar worldwide and a personal favourite of James the Owner of Cigar Nights. Tasting notes Hints of Coffee, Wood and lots of cream.
Length 5 1/16 Inch Ring Gauge 43
Strength Light to Medium
Smoke Time 30 -35 mins
Prices are per cigar
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