Cigar Stands
Welcome to our exclusive collection of cigar holder stands. Cigar stands are stylish and practical accessories designed to hold your cigar securely while you’re not smoking it. They come in various shapes, sizes, and materials, offering both functionality and aesthetic appeal to enhance your cigar-smoking experience.
As a recommended retailer of cigars, we at supply and stock a range of cigar accessories, including cigar stands. Book an appointment at our cigar showroom in Brierley Hill to see what cigar accessories we have available.
If you are looking for something to buy a loved one who enjoys smoking cigars, cigar accessories make a great gift.
Cigar Stand Mahogany Wood
Cigar Stand Mahogany WoodCigar Stand Mahogany Wood.
Hand made locally & exclusively for Cigar Nights, these wooden Cigar Stands or the ideal accessory for any cigar aficionado.
Hand made in Mahogany wood with Cigar Nights laser engraved onto one side.
£8.50Add to cart
Cigar Stand Oak Wood
Cigar Stand Oak WoodCigar Stand Oak Wood.
Hand made locally & exclusively for Cigar Nights, these wooden Cigar Stands or the ideal accessory for any cigar aficionado.
Hand made in Oak wood with Cigar Nights laser engraved onto one side.
£8.50Add to cart
Cigar Stand Walnut Wood
Cigar Stand Walnut WoodCigar Stand Walnut Wood.
Hand made locally & exclusively for Cigar Nights, these wooden Cigar Stands or the ideal accessory for any cigar aficionado.
Hand made in Walnut wood with Cigar Nights laser engraved onto one side.
£8.50Add to cart
Les Fines Lames Cigar Stand with Cherry Red Leather Case
Les Fines Lames Cigar Stand with Cherry Red Leather Case£38.00Read more
Les Fines Lames Cigar Stand with Cherry Red Leather Case
Les Fines Lames Cigar Stand with Cherry Red Leather CaseLes Fines Lames Cigar Stand with Cherry Red Leather Case
Cherry Red – The original Les Fines Lames cigar stand registered design. This elegant item comes with its leather case that is handmade in France. Beautiful quality the ideal accessory for any cigar lover on the move and who wants to impress when out smoking their cigars.
£38.00Read more
Rattrays Cigar Stand Chrome with Leather Pouch.
Rattrays Cigar Stand Chrome with Leather Pouch.£15.75Add to cart
Rattrays Cigar Stand Chrome with Leather Pouch.
Rattrays Cigar Stand Chrome with Leather Pouch.Rattrays Cigar Stand Chrome with Leather Pouch.
These great value cigar stands really look the part they come in three colours all come with a black leather pouch. The ideal cigar accessory for any cigar aficionado.
£15.75Add to cart
Rattrays Cigar Stand Gunmetal Chrome with Leather Pouch.
Rattrays Cigar Stand Gunmetal Chrome with Leather Pouch.£15.75Read more
Rattrays Cigar Stand Gunmetal Chrome with Leather Pouch.
Rattrays Cigar Stand Gunmetal Chrome with Leather Pouch.Rattrays Cigar Stand Gunmetal Chrome with Leather Pouch.
These great value cigar stands really look the part they come in three colours all come with a black leather pouch. The ideal cigar accessory for any cigar aficionado.
£15.75Read more
Rattrays Cigar Stand Rose Gold with Leather Pouch
Rattrays Cigar Stand Rose Gold with Leather Pouch£15.75Add to cart
Rattrays Cigar Stand Rose Gold with Leather Pouch
Rattrays Cigar Stand Rose Gold with Leather PouchRattrays Cigar Stand Rose Gold with Leather Pouch.
These great value cigar stands really look the part they come in three colours all come with a black leather pouch. The ideal cigar accessory for any cigar aficionado.
£15.75Add to cart