
At Cigars Nights, we strive to bring you the best selection of the world’s finest cigars and accessories. You will find limited editions, new releases and cigars with restricted availability. Our extensive selection of Cuban Havana cigars and other renowned brands worldwide provides cigar connoisseurs with the perfect blend and flavour to satisfy their taste buds.

Our extensive range of cigars also makes for the perfect gift; you can choose a favourite brand, surprise someone with something new, or allow them to try a range of cigars with a beautifully presented sampler gift set. Here is a selection of our favourite flavours and brands we currently feature.

Look no further than Rocky Patel. Rocky has launched numerous top-selling brands, including The Edge, Decade, Fifteenth Anniversary, Royale, Sixty, Number 6, and Grand Reserve which won Cigar of the year in 2018. Typically medium to full bodied, Rocky Cigars are a whole buffet of tastes in a smooth and robust smoke, offering a distinct, exciting flavour.

Winston Churchill cigars is an enticing new series from Davidoff, which offers a luxurious blend of select, all Dominican grown tobaccos wrapped in flawless Dominican wrappers that shimmer with rich flavour. For a medium-bodied, full-flavoured smoke that pampers the palate with a long, complex finish, you must give them a try.

Enter the world of Joya de Nicaragua cigars. From the full-bodied and spicy Antaño to the smooth and balanced Cabinetta, each cigar is meticulously crafted with Nicaraguan tobaccos, delivering flavours that are bold, complex, and deeply satisfying.

For a wonderfully distinctive and characteristic mild fragrance, try a Romeo y Julieta cigar. From the classic and mellow Romeo y Julieta No. 2 to the robust and complex Romeo y Julieta Wide Churchill, the brand’s portfolio caters to every aficionado’s preference. Explore the iconic range of Romeo y Julieta cigars and indulge in the timeless elegance.

Finally, to complete the perfect cigar experience, we have a high-quality range of accessories, such as cigar humidors, cigar gifts and stylish accessories, providing a comprehensive experience for every cigar lover.

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