A.J.Fernandez Cigars
A.J.Fernandez is a family-oriented cigar company based in Miami, Florida. AJ Fernandez owns and operates 2 cigar factories in Nicaragua, crafting over 100,000 cigars per day all by hand. The artisans that put together the blends and form each cigar use time-honoured methods that have been handed down to AJ from generations past. Each cigar brand was blended by AJ and is a unique smoking experience, a testament to AJ’s talent as a tobacco grower and blender. When you put the finest fermented and aged tobacco in the hands of AJ, the result is New World, San Lotano, Bellas Artes and Enclave, just to name a few. With a cigar for every palate, you can rest assured when you smoke an AJ Fernandez cigar, you too will be all about Great Tobacco!
If you are interested in trying out a cigar by A.J.Fernandez, check out www.cigarnights.co.uk – a retailer and stockist of A.J.Fernandez cigars, as well as others.