
Cigarillos, derived from the Spanish word for “little cigar,” offer a unique tobacco experience in a smaller package. These cigars are wrapped in a tobacco leaf or skin significantly smaller than a standard cigar. Due to their compact size, cigarillos are enjoyed slightly differently than their larger counterparts. Many find them easier to smoke, as the tip is already removed, and their smaller size allows for on-the-go enjoyment without the extended time commitment of a larger cigar.

Royal Dutch

The Ritmeester Royal Dutch Cigarillos are mild, with an aromatic blend and wrapped in a San Antonio leaf for a modern new smoking experience.

The Sunshine Cigarillo is dipped at the filter and therefore leaves a unique taste on the lips. They can be enjoyed straight out of the pack.

The Royal Dutch Miniatures Blue are a small mild flavoured nonfiltered cigarillo, that do not require cutting and can be enjoyed straight out of the tin.

The Royal Dutch Miniatures Yellow are a small milder flavoured non-filtered cigarillo, wrapped in a delicate Java wrapper leaf for a full-bodied smoking experience and can be enjoyed straight out of the tin.

If you are interested in buying cigarillos, check out and order online or book an appointment to visit our cigar showroom.

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