Casa Turrent Cigars at Cigar Nights

Casa Turrent Cigars is a renowned Mexican cigar brand known for producing high-quality cigars. The Turrent family has been deeply involved in tobacco cultivation and cigar production for generations, dating back to the late 19th century. They are particularly famous for their use of Mexican San Andrés wrapper tobacco, which is highly regarded for its rich flavour and dark, oily appearance.

Casa Turrent Cigars offer a variety of cigar lines. Some of their popular lines include the Casa Turrent 1880, Casa Turrent Serie 1901, and Casa Turrent 1942. These cigars often feature a combination of Mexican and Nicaraguan tobaccos, resulting in complex and flavourful smoking experiences.

If you are interested in trying a Casa Turrent cigar, check out and order online or book an appointment to visit our cigar showroom.

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