H. Upmann Cigars

Immerse yourself in the rich history of H. Upmann, a brand that originated from the passion of a German banker named Herman Upmann. Upmann made the bold decision to relocate to Havana in 1844, establishing himself as both a banker and a cigar maker. Though his bank eventually closed in the early 1920s, his legacy lives on through the exquisite cigars that bear his name.

H.Upmann cigars exemplify elegance and offer a light to medium-flavoured Habano experience. The blend is carefully crafted using only filler and binder tobaccos cultivated in the prestigious Vuelta Abajo zone, known for producing some of the finest tobacco in the world.

The brand’s excellence is further evidenced by the numerous gold medals it has garnered in eleven international exhibitions throughout the 19th century. These accolades are proudly displayed on the labelled boxes that house these exceptional cigars.

www.cigarnights.co.uk are specialist suppliers of Cuban cigars, shop our wide collection online now. Alternatively, talk to our team to find your perfect fit or attend one of our events.


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