Oliva Cigars

The history of Oliva Cigars dates back to 1886, the year Melanio Oliva cultivated his first tobacco crop in Pinar Del Rio, Cuba. But the journey to crafting this masterpiece wasn’t an easy one. Cultivation operations ceased during the Cuban War of Independence. Melanio had to fight for Cuba in an effort to end the war. When the war ended, Melanio returned to resume his work growing a unique blend.

Soon after, in the early 1920s, Facundo Oliva (Melanio’s son) took over all the responsibilities to carry forward his father’s business of growing tobacco.

Gilberto (Facundo’s son) and his family shifted from Cuba to Nicaragua. Nicaragua soon became a new home for the Oliva tobacco-growing operations, and by the 1960s, the Oliva family had firmly established themselves as prominent tobacco growers in the region.

Today, Oliva Cigars is recognized as one of the most dependable brands in the industry, known for its rich history and commitment to quality. Despite being acquired by J. Cortès Cigars N.V. in 2016, the Oliva family remains heavily involved in the daily operations, ensuring the brand’s legacy continues.

As a recommended retailer of quality cigars, we at www.cigarnights.co.uk supply and stock a range of cigars, including La Oliva. Book an appointment at our cigar showroom in Brierley Hill to see what cigars we have available.

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