Zino Cigars Half Corna Tin of 5 Cigars
Zino Cigars Half Corna Tin of 5 Cigars£56.75Read more
Zino Cigars Half Corna Tin of 5 Cigars
Zino Cigars Half Corna Tin of 5 CigarsZino Cigars Half Corna Tin of 5 Cigars
Zino Cigars come from Davidoff Cigars and is a brand that encapsulates the Davidoff founder’s sense of discovery and spirit, offering earthy taste profiles, sweetness, and spice. It was launched for open-minded and spontaneous aficionados and is a tribute to Zino Davidoff – the founder of the Davidoff brand and a pioneer of the tobacco industry.
Measuring 4 inches by 44 ring gauge the Zino Nicaragua Half Corona consists of an Ecuador Connecticut wrapper, Nicaraguan binder and mix of Dominican, Honduran and Nicaraguan filler. The Zino Nicaragua Half Corona is pre-cut and ready to smoke.
Size : Half Corona (4″ x 44)
Origin : Nicaragua
Strength : Medium
Wrapper : Ecuadorian Connecticut
£56.75Read more
Zino Gordo Cigar
Zino Gordo CigarZino Gordo Cigar
Zino brand comes from individuals who embrace a lifestyle and mindset centred around experiences, open-mindedness, and an insatiable curiosity.
Zino Davidoff, a pioneering figure in the world of tobacco, embarked on a quest for knowledge and worldly encounters at the tender age of 19 – With the creation of the new Zino cigar brand, Davidoffs goal was to capture Zino Davidoff’s spirit of exploration and his ability to fully embrace the present moment.
They are thrilled with the outcome and believe that the blend of the new Zino Cigars will satisfy those seeking a taste profile characterised by earthy notes, spices, and a touch of sweetness.
The blend comprises an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper, a Seminal 56 seco binder cultivated in Nicaragua, and fillers that encompass Honduran visus from Olancho and Jamastran, Nicaraguan visus from Ometepe, and Dominican San Vicente and San Vicente Mejorado secos.
Length: 6″
Ring Gauge: 60
Strength: Medium
Packaging: Box of 25
Vitola: Gordo
Enjoyment Time: 65 Minutes
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Honduran, Nicaraguan & Dominican Republic
Origin: Nicaragua
£25.00Add to cart