Tag: Are Cuban cigars illegal ? why cant you buy Cuban cigars in America ?
Are Cuban Cigars illegal?
Cuban cigars are not illegal in the UK. There is no ban on cuban cigars in the UK like in the USA. The USA imposed an embargo ban on the selling and purchasing of Cuban Cigars.
But why?
There are deep historical, political, and legal reasons behind the ban that keeps Cubans out of the hands of American aficionados but in short, Cuban cigars are illegal in the United States due to the longstanding embargo against Cuba, which was initiated in the early 1960s by President John F. Kennedy.
The embargo was a response to the Cuban government’s nationalization of American-owned assets and its alignment with the Soviet Union during the Cold War. As part of this embargo, the U.S. government prohibits the importation of Cuban products, including cigars, as a means of economically isolating the Cuban regime and pressuring it to adopt democratic reforms.
The embargo had a profound impact on the Cuban cigar industry, once renowned for its excellence worldwide. With the United States being a significant market for Cuban cigars, the trade restrictions dealt a severe blow to Cuba’s economy and its iconic tobacco industry. Despite this setback, Cuban cigars retained their allure, becoming a symbol of defiance and resilience in the face of adversity.
Over the years, there have been numerous efforts to lift the embargo and normalize relations between the United States and Cuba. Negotiations and policy changes have all been explored in the pursuit of thawing the icy relations between the two nations. However, despite some progress, the embargo remains largely intact, casting a shadow over the possibility of Cuban cigars once again gracing the shelves of American cigar shops. If you want to purchase any Cuban hand rolled cigars please visit Cigar Nights on line store www.cigarnights.co.uk or book an appointment to visit our showroom in Brierley Hill, West Midlands U.K.