Tag: what is the correct way to put out a cigar
How to put out a cigar
How to put out a cigar……..
After you have relaxed over a smoke of your favourite hand rolled cigar, it is time to stop and extinguish it properly. Your initial thought might be to treat your burnt-out cigar like a cigarette, but this is not the right way to approach it. Cigars are made of pure long filler tobacco leaf which means they will naturally burn out quickly and in a short amount of time. When you are finished with your cigar, just place it in the middle of an ashtray and let it burn out. Although your cigar will burn out quickly, you should always stay with it until it has completely burnt out. If you don’t have time to wait for your cigar to burn out, you can submerge the lit end into a cup of water or hold it under running water to put it out more quickly.
Remember, stubbing out a cigar is considered rude. It is important to be respectful of cigars and to remember all the time and effort from all the people that went into making them. They say each hand rolled cigar passes 300 pairs of hands before it is handed to the customer. For further information on hand rolled cigars or to purchase any fine cigars please visit our online store www.cigarnights.co.uk or make an appointment to visit our Cigar Showroom in Brierley Hill, West Midlands, U.K.